Best Dog, Best of Breed, Best in Show – Ch Foxearth Frappuccino
Reserve Best Dog, Reserve Best of Breed, Best Puppy Dog, Best Minor Puppy Dog, Best Puppy, Best Puppy in Show, Best Opposite Sex in Show – Foxearth Flockmaster
Best Bitch, Best Opposite Sex, Best Veteran, Best Veteran in Show – Ch Hilltarn Valentine

Reserve Best Bitch, Foxearth Dressed to Frill


  • Minor Puppy Dog
    1 Foxearth Flockmaster (A French)
    2 Westbridge Mr Fantastic by Frendet (C French)
    3 Juniperwood Kinda Spirit (Trundley)

    Puppy Dog
    1 Ryecombe Discovered Gold (Giddings)
    2 Ryecombe Duncan Disorderly at Kimbru (Cook)

    Junior Dog
    1 Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn (Leach)

    Novice Dog
    1 Foxearth Flockmaster (French)
    2 Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn (Leach)

    Post Graduate Dog
    1 Dawcher Dawns Sunrise (Howe)
    2 Norfield Oh! What a Knight (Page)
    3 Freejack Midnight Dazzler (Purvey)

    Limit Dog
    1 Manordeifi Shadow Chaser (Moores)
    2 Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You (Hutchings)
    3 Norfield Silver Knight for Freejack (Purvey)

    Open Dog
    1 Ch Foxearth Frappuccino (White)
    2 Ch/INT/IR Ch Pelghart Paint it Black at Willowhurst (Forbes)
    3 Juniperwood King of Kings (Trundley)

    Veteran Dog
    1 Ch Manordeifi Smart Guy at Southcombe (Evans)

    Minor Puppy Bitch
    1 Westbridge Blue Fantasy by Frendet (C French)
    2 Juniperwood Kinda Special (Trundley)

    Puppy Bitch
    1 Southcombe Summer Special at Dawcher (Robinson)
    2 Ryecombe Drama Queen (Norman)
    3 Willowhurst Vienna (Forbes)
    4 Ryecombe Dolly Mixture (Campbell)

    Junior Bitch
    1 Kingrock Bathsheba at Coneypark (Beeney)
    2 Manordeifi Silver Dazzler (Moores)
    3 Manordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp (Lister)
    4 Cownbred Jealous Heart for Westbridge (Pavey)

    Novice Bitch
    1 Westbridge Colour me Silver at Darsign (Fulwood)

    Post Graduate Bitch
    1 Foxearth Dressed to Frill (Sewell)
    2 M Miss Daisy at N
    3 Glencorrie Dusky Diva (Campbell)

    Limit Bitch
    1 Alopex Marionette at Oakestelle (Benton)
    2 Freejack a Touch of Magic (Purvey)
    3 Glencorrie Sunsational (Burton)

    Open Bitch
    1 Foxearth Sticky Fingers (A French)
    2 Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse (Hutchings)

    Veteran Bitch
    1 Ch Hilltarn Valentine (Robinson)
    2 Ch Foxearth Fluorescence at Molloney (Hutchings)
    3 Foxearth Londer Leone (Cook)

    1 Hutchings
    2 Cook

    I was both honoured and  pleased to judge this show. There is only one Smooth Collie Club, so to be  offered the appointment was magic. Bearley is such a small venue and I opted to  judge outside, and although very cold, it was dry with a lovely big ring and my  stewards, Julie Sewell and Simon Burton, kept thins running smoothly, so I  really enjoyed my day. MPD (4,1) 1 Frenche's Foxearth Flockmaster. Very  classy tricolour, exquisite head with flat skull and lovely eye and expression.  Super ears. Crested neck, lovely body and outline. Excellent on the move for  his tender age - what a prospect. Best Puppy, Res Best Dog and BPIS. 2 French's  Westbridge Mr Fantastic by Frendet. 3 Trundley's Juniperwood Kinda Spirit. PD (3,1) 1 Gidding's Ryecombe Discovered Gold. 9 months s/w and a very clean head  to handle, lovely eye and nice tight ears. Shown in lovely condition. Good neck  and croup and moved well. Needs a little more ringcraft. 2 Cook's Ryecombe  Duncan Disorderly. JD (2,1) 1 Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn. Blue  merle - colour not his fortune but well broken up. Good length of head with  flat skull but would like a little more underjaw, a touch narrow through.  Decent mover. ND (2) 1 Frenche's Foxearth Flockmaster. 2 Manordeifi  Dionysus at Hilltarn. PGD (4,1) 1 Howe's Dawcher Dawn Sunrise. Masculine  sable, very upstanding and with a clean head of pleasing type, but would like  more underjaw. Good front and depth of chest, very well bodied and a decent  mover. Tail not his fortune. 2 Page's Norfield Oh What A Knight. 3 Purvey's  Freejack Midnight Dazzler. LD (3) 1 Moore's Manordeifi Shadow Chaser.  Very well balanced tri in good muscular condition. Shiny black coat, liked his  head with lovely dark eyes. Strong neck and lovely body and movement, with a  good tail. Close up for top awards. 2 Hutchings' Collidach Molloney Ta To You.  3 Purvey's Norfield Silver Knight at Freejack. OD (4,1) 1 White's Ch  Foxearth Frappucino. Quality tri of beautiful type. Very well balanced head with  correct stop and lovely eye, ears and a good chin. Reachy neck and lovely body  and outline. Straight front, lovely quarters, croup and tail. Very good  movement, shown in lovely coat and condition. BOB and BIS. 2 Forbes' Ch Int Ir  Ch Pelghart Paint It Black for Willowhurst. 3 Trundley's Juniperwood King of  Kings. Vet D (3,2) 1 Evans' Ch Manordeifi Smart Guy. Quality shaded  sable, loved his head, so typical and at 9 years has not coarsened. Reachy  neck, sound front and rear. A sensible showman. MPB (3,1) 1 French's  Westbridge Blue Fantasy by Frendet. Blue colour not her fortune. Typy head with  lovely ears, needs more bone and substance throughout. Decent mover, only a  baby and time is on her side. 2 Trundley's Juniperwood Kinda Special. PB 94) 1  Robinson's Southcombe Summer Special at Dawcher. 11 months sable with a  pleasing head type, nice eyes and lovely ears. Good neck and length of back.  Good tailset and very good movement. Best Puppy Bitch. 2 Norman and Ratcliffe's  Ryecombe Drama Queen. 3 Forbe's Willowhurst Vienna. JB (4) 1 Beeney's  Kingrock Bathsheba at Coneypark. Petite sable with a most pleasing head, flat  skull and lovely dark eye, good underjaw which I found lacking in many. Ears in  the right place. Very well balanced in neck and outline. Beautifully presented  and shown, movement needs to tighten and more confidence is needed. 2 Moore's  Manordeifi Silver Dazzler. 3 Lister's Manordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp. NB (3,2) 1 Fulwood's Westbridge Colour Me Silver at Darsign. Very pretty colour  and well marked. A little too fine all through. Decent neck and outline and a  decent mover. PGB (5,2) 1 Sewell's Foxearth Dressed to Thrill. High  quality tri with a beautiful head and gorgeous eye and ears. The best neck in  the entry and a lovely forehand. Well angulated rear and a good mover, shown in  gleaming condition. Can lose topline at times going round. Res Best Bitch. 2  Lister's Manordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp. 3 Campbell's Glencorrie Dusky Diva. LB (5,2) 1 Benton's Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle. Lovely coloured blue with  good markings and a rich tan. Nice head type with good eye and neat ears, nice  neck and shoulder. Decent mover and excellent coat. Would like a little more of  her. 2 Baker's Manordeifi Satin N Lace at Tomalca. 3 Purvey's Freejack Touch of  Magic. OB (4,2) 1 French's Foxearth Sticky Fingers. Quite stunning head  on this rich coloured sable. Lovely dark eyes and neat ears. Good neck and  topline, good tailset and a good mover. Needs a little more sparkle. 2  Hutchings' Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse. Vet B (5,2) 1 Robinson's Ch  Hilltarn Valentine. 9 year old tricolour in top form. Head handles well, good  ear carriage and uses them non stop. Super neck and with a wither, solid front  and good length of back. Excellent tail, moved so well all ways and handled so  well. Best Bitch, Best Veteran and Best Vet in show. 2 Hutchings' Ch Foxearth  Fluorescence at Molloney Sh CM. 3 Cook's Foxearth Londer Leone. Brace 1  Hutchings. 2 Cooks. Best Coloured Blue  Merle was Hutchings' Ch Foxearth Fluorescence at Molloney Sh CM. Best Coloured  Tricoloir French's Westbridge Mr Fantastic by Frendet and Best Coloured Sable,  D Dawns Sunrise.
      Steve  Barret