Best of Breed : Foxearth Dressed to Frill (Sewell)

Best Dog : Foxearth Flockmaster ( French)
Reserve Best Dog : Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You (Hutchings)

Best Bitch : Foxearth Dressed to Frill (Sewell)

Reserve Best Bitch : Ryecombe Dolly Mixture (Campbell)

Best Puppy : Foxearth Flockmaster (French)


Puppy Dog or Bitch
1 Foxearth Flockmaster (A French)
2 Ryecombe Dolly Mixture (Campbell)
3 Ryecombe Discovered Gold (Giddings)

4 Ryecombe Drama Queen (Norman)

5 Ryecombe Duncan Disorderly at Kimbru (Cook)

Junior Dog or Bitch
1 Kingrock Bathsheba at Coneypark (Beeney)
2 Manordeifi Silver Dazzler (Moores)

Post Graduate Dog or Bitch
1 Foxearth Dressed to Frill (Sewell)
2 Manordeifi Silver Sparkle (Moores)
3 Dawcher Dawns Sunrise (Howe)

Open Dog
1 Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You (Hutchings)

Open Bitch
1 Hightri Until (Neff)
2 Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse (Hutchings)
3 Lilymead Appanchi
4 Foxearth Sticky Fingers (A French)

SMOOTH COLLIE P. 1. French's, Foxearth Flockmaster for Breckamore. 9 months old tri colour dog. Balanced outline with good angulation front and rear. Super bone and substance without being course. His head handles well with level planes. Well placed stop and eye set, carries his ears correctly which gives him a pleasing expresion. Good neck leading into good shoulder placement. Good spring of rib. Level topline. Correct length of tail. He does carry it too high on the move which can detract when striding out. Movement is good. Shown and handled well. BD. 2. Campbells', Ryecombe Dolly Mixture. 11 months old pretty sable and white bitch. Just right for size. Possesses a lovely eye and expression with the neatest of ears which are set mcorrectly. Her head handles well. I would like a little stronger underjaw. Good neck and outline. In good condition and presented well. Nice tight jacket. She just needs a little more schooling to get her settled to the job in hand. Should do well. RBB. 3. Giddings', Ryecombe Discover Gold. J. 1. Beeneys', Kingrock Bathsheba at Coneypark. Sable and white bitch shown in good order. Another girl who has a pleasing head, eye and expression created by having a good shaped eye and neat well placed ears. Head with level planes. To be critical she could benefit from a little more stop but this doesn't detract in any way. Her neck and outline are good. Nice tight jacket. Moving well front and rear. Well presented and handled. 2. Moores', Manordeifi Silver Dazzler. Nicely coloured blue merle bitch. Well made body and shape. Very good shoulder placement. Good length of back and well angulated. Good spring of rib. Pleasing head that handles well. Moving well. Just carrying a little too much weight. PG. 1. Sewells', Foxearth Dressed to Frill. Tri colour bitch who is just coming into her own. Shown in very good order, attentive to her handler and did everything that was aked of her. Good headed, well filled muzzle, good stop, level planes, nice eye and expresion, neat well placed ears. Super neck and outline. Good length of back and well angulated. Tail of good length carried well. Looked very well on the move to take BOB. Just needs to watch her topline at times. Very well done. 2. Moores', Manordeifi Silver Sparkle. Blue merle bitch. Shroter headed than the winner, having said that it is well balanced with pleasing expresion. Good neck and outline and moved ok. 3. Howes', Dawcher Dawns Sunrise. OD. 1. Hutching's, Collidach Molloney Ta Tu Toy. Tri colour dog with free movement. In good order. Presented well. His head is balanced with decent eye, his expression spoiled by low set ears. Good neck and outline and sufficient angulation. RBD. OB. 1. Neffs', Hitri Until. Blue merle bitch with pleasing head. A little strong in skull. Well placed ears, nice expression. Good neck and outline. Shorter in back than some giving her a more square look, although acceptable, well carried tail. Moved well. 2. Hutching's, Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse. Good coloured blue merle bitch. Pleasing head, her ears low set that spoilt her expression. Good neck and outline and moved well. 3. Burgess's, Lilymead Appanachi.
Geoff Hyde