London & Provincial Collie Club August 2012

Judge Mrs Bathurst

Best Dog :  Ch Alopex Highland Fling

Reserve Best Dog : Southcombe Starman

Best Bitch : Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle

Reserve Best Bitch : Ch Hilltarn Valentine

Best of Breed : Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle & Best in Show

Best Puppy : No Puppies


Puppy (1, 1)


Junior (5, 3ab)
1st: Southcombe Summer Special at Dawcher
2nd: Manordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp

Post Graduate (6, 3ab)
1st: Manodeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp
2nd: Freejack Midnight Dazzler
3rd: Neytiri Tsutay warrior

Limit (5, 2ab)
1st: Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle
2nd Freejack a Touch of Magic
3rd Alopex Fine Provenence

Open Dog (4, 2ab)
1st Southcombe Starman

2nd Ch Eridor Im Mr Blu at Newarp

Open Bitch (3,2ab)
1st Alopex Little Summer

Veteran (4)
1st Ch Hilltarn Valentine
2nd Ch Alopex Highland Fling
3rd Ch Dawcher Dream Searcher
4th Norfield Silver Knight for Freejack

Smooth Collie:J (5,  3) 1 Robinson's Southcombe Summer Special At Dawcher, s/w b, good size,  balanced head, good stop, dark eyes, good ears used well. Scored in angulation  with good rear, well laid back shoulders and good upper arm which showed in her  easy, ground covering movement. Good body and tail, just got a bit worried by  the background noise later. 2 Lister's Manordeifi Miss Daisy At Newarp, tri b,  feminine, good size, good bone and feet. Balanced head, good eyes, ears well  used but shade low set, good rear angulation and tail, shoulder lay back ok,  bit steep in upper arm and pasterns, moved ok. PG (6, 3) 1 Lister's  Manordeifi Miss Daisy At Newarp. 2 Purvey's Freejack Midnight Dazzler, tri d,  would like a bit more of him for a dog,well made all through, moved and showed  well, couldn't match the head qualities of 1st. 3 Evans' Neytiri Tsu'tay  Warrior. L (5, 2) 1 Benton's Alopex Marionette Of Oakestelle, b/m b of  good colour, beautiful balanced outline with slight rise over loin, decent  forehand, correct reach of neck, good head with correct stop, well set eyes,  desired set and tipping of ears, lovely expression, harsh coat, adequate bone,  good feet, good body, moved freely with drive although would prefer slightly  less speed. BB, BOB & BIS. 2 Purvey's Freejack Touch Of Magic, b/m b smaller,  darker merle, very well constructed all round, good feet, moved very well,  balanced head, good eyes, ears could be better tipped, rather soft topline,  showed nicely. 3 Griffith's Alopex Fine Provenance. OD (4, 2) 1 Evans'  Southcombe Starman, b/m of good colour, showing a little sable in undercoat,  balanced, masculine head, good stop, good eyes, good ears, lips a little loose,  good angulation, good bone and feet, bit proud of his tail but moved well.  Would stand with his back feet too far forward. 2 Lister's Ch Eridor Im Mr Blu  At Newarp (Imp Aus) worthy Champion I have judged before, today was not sound  so had to stand behind his son. OB (3, 2) 1 Griffiths' Alopex Little  Summer, rich s/w, nice for size, head was balanced, well set eyes, good ears  which she used well, good angulation all round, good feet, good pasterns, tail  ok, moved out well and showed steadily, Would just like a little more of her. V (4) 1 Robinson's Ch Hilltarn Valentine JW, tri b, little sable in  undercoat, well made all through, very good head, good stop, good underjaw,  good eyes, good ears, correct outline, good body, nice bone, good tail, good  feet, moved very well, attentive showgirl. RBB, RBIS & BVIS. 2 Griffiths'  Ch Alopex Highland Fling, flashily marked tri d, good black, very well made,  good pasterns, good bone and feet, good body, balanced head, good eyes and  ears, moved well, showed well enough to take BD and BOSIS. 3 Robinson's Ch  Dawcher Dream Searcher.
    Mary Bathurst