Judge Jack Wigglesworth

  • Best of Breed, Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse (Hutchings) & Best in Show

    Best Dog,  Ch Eridor I’m Mr Blu at Newarp (Lister) RBOB & RBIS
    Best Bitch  Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse (Hutchings)
    Res Best Dog Alopex Matt Finnish (Griffiths)
    Res Best Bitch Manordeifi Silver Dazzler (Moores)
    Best Puppy Manordeifi Silver Dazzler (Moores) & RBPIS

    1 Starlight Spirit of Pencloda (Coates)

    Puppy Dog






    ^1 Ryecombe Duncan Disorderly at Kimbru (Cook) BPD

    ^2 Ryecombe Deb n' Air (Kennedy)

    ^3 Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn (Leach)

    ^4 Juniperwood Kinda Smart (Trundley)

    Special Yearling Dog

    Post Graduate Dog

    Open Dog

    ^1 Ch Eridor I’m Mr Blu at Newarp (Lister)

    ^2 Alopex Matt Finnish (Griffiths)

    ^3 Manordeifi Shadow Chaser (Moores)

    ^4 Norfield Silver Knight for Freejack (Purvey)

    Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You (Hutchings)


    Puppy Bitch

    1 Manordeifi Silver Dazzler (Moores)

    ^2 Manordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp (Lister)

    ^3 Juniperwood Kinda Special (Trundley)

    Special Yearling Bitch
    1 ??

    Post Graduate Bitch

    1 Manordeifi Silver Sparkle (Moores)

    ^2 Foxearth Dressed to Frill (Sewell)

    Open Bitch

    ^1 Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse (Hutchings)

    ^2 Alopex Little Summer (Griffiths)
    3 ??
    4 ??

    Open show:COLLIE SMOOTH:It was a great pleasure to judge in excellent surroundings with the added bonus of glorious weather, Smooth Collies have now been scheduled again after many years, at this prestigious club, and I was very pleased to see there was a good representation of the breed before me, and wish them every success in the future. VD&B (2,1) 1 Coates. Starlight Spirit at Pencloda 11yr old bitch, very nice type, liked her head, possessing a flat skull & good eye, good reach of neck, well bodied, and plenty of bone, well turned stifle & correct tail carriage. Merle colouring rather dark. PD (4) 1 Cook's Ryecombe Duncan Disorderly at Kimbu I see 1 & 2 were litter brothers apologies no notes, owing to a cassette malfunction. 2 Kennedy's Ryecombe Deb'N'Air. Leach's Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn. OD (7,1) 1 Listers Ch. Eridor Im Blu at Newarp A very strong class with several top quality males.7yrold Merle very masculine in outlook, very well constructed, moulded foreface, nice eye and expression, well placed ears which he used, excellent depth & spring of rib, and pleasing topline, moved with purpose. Reserve B.I.S. 2 Griffiths Alopex Matt Finish. 3 Moore's Manordeifi Shadow Chaser. PB (3) 1 Manordeifi Silver Dazzler, well grown & mature puppy, of a lovely clear blue, I liked her head & eye, and her well placed ears which she used when required, good length of neck and excellent hindquarters moved well. BP.I.B. 2 Listers Manordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp. 3 Trondley's Juniperwood Kinda Special. SY (3) 1 Listers Manordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp Tri litter sister to winner of the previous class, and of the same high quality, pleasing head flat skull, good body and hindangulation, moved out well. 2 Trundley's Juniperwood Joyful. 3 Trundley's Juniperwood Jubilation. PG (2) 1 Moore's Manordeifi Silver Sparkle attractive Blue merle of quality. Good head well placed stop, good eye, giving a pleasing expression well bodied and moved well. 2 Sewall's Foxearth Dressed to Frill. O (6,2) 1 Hutchings Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse Top quality merle, I liked her head pattern, good in stop and skull, correct eye giving a lovely expression, could have brought her ears up a little tighter, but this was no detriment to her overall. Outlook, she had a good length of neck, good shoulder placement moved with real drive, interesting to be told later that I had awarded her dam a CC a few years ago; I feel this young lady should follow in her footsteps. B.O.B. and later B.I.S. 2 Benton's Alopex Little Summer. 3 Purvey's Freejack A Touch of Magic
    Jack Wigglesworth