Eastern Counties Collie Assocation April 2012
Judge Ann Smith (Tentola)
Junior Dog or Bitch (7, none abs)
1st Manordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp
2nd Ryecombe Drama Queen (BP)
3rd Southcombe Summer Special at Dawcher
4th Ryecombe Dolly Mixture
5th Ryecombe Deb n Air
Limit Dog and Bitch (1abs)
1st Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle (BoB)
2nd Pelghart Power of Love from Willowhurst
3rd Glencorrie Dusky Diva
Open Dog (1 abs)
1st Ch Eridor Im Mr Blu at Newarp (BD)
2nd Easy listening at Seanua
Open Bitch (1abs)
1st Ch Dawcher Dream Searcher (RBoB)
2nd Ch Hilltarn Valentine (BV)
3rd Alopex Out of the Blue
4th Alopex Little Summer
1. Lister’s Manordeifi Miss Daisy At Newarp. This 12 mth tri is particularly
well angulated and has excellent ribs and muscling for her age. Clean head,
sweet expression, well arched neck and level topline. Very solid on the move.
2. Norman’s Ryecombe Drama Queen. BP.
3. Robinson’s Southcombe Summer Special At Dawcher.
1. Benton’s Alopex Marionette Of Oakestelle. Feminine without being weak, this
beautifully coloured blue is the classic collie shape. Rounded muzzle, correct
stop, well placed ears, arched neck, and level topline. Particlularly good
second thigh. Moved well. BB & BOB.
2. Forbes’ Pelghart Power Of Love From Willowhurst.
3. Campbell’s Glencorrie Dusky Diva.
1. Lister’s Ch Eridor I’m Mr Blu At Newarp (Imp). BD & BOSIS.
2. Norman & Ratcliffe’s Easy Listening At Seanua. These two males are both well
angulated, have nice length of neck and back, low set tails, clean heads of good
length, correct expressions and expressive ear carriage. However 1 is more
impressive on the move.
1. Robinson’s Ch Dawcher Dream Searcher. Stylish, nicely marked tri with the
correct expression and responsive ear carriage. Moved out with drive. RBB & RBOB.
2. Robinson’s Ch Hilltarn Valentine. BV.
3. Griffith’s Alopex Out Of The Blue.
Anne Smith (Judge)