Eastern Anglian Collie October 2011

Judge Marion Ten-Cate


Graduate Dog /Bitch 2 [2]

Open Dog 5 [2]
1. Ch Pelghart Paint it Black at Willowhurst RBOB/ BOSIB/BOSIS
2. Ch Eridor I'm Mr Blue at Newarp
3. Alopex Going Equipped BVIB

Open Dog 4 [1]
1. Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle BOB/BIS
2. Alopex Little Summer
3. Foxearth Londer Leona

SMOOTH COLLIE:OD (5,2) 1 Forbes's Ch Pelghart Paint it Black at Willowhurst RBOB/ BOSIB/BOSIS: Overall balanced dog. Masculine strong head, well rounded muzzle, When he stands he has a nice outline, good neck, straight back, strong body. He has adequate angulations and he moved with drive and stride. 2 Lister's Ch Eridor I'm Mr Blue at Newarp: Lovely coloured blue with an elegant head. He could have a bit more stop. Sweet in expression, correct set ears. Strong body, good angulations. He moved well, good tail carriage. OD (4,1) 1 Benton's Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle BOB/BIS: Lovely coloured blue merle bitch. She is very feminine and of excellent breed-type. Nice balanced overall. She is outstanding in head, beautiful parallel planes, molded in the fore face, nice expression. High set ears. She has fitting bone for size. Lovely arched neck and well proportioned body. Adequate angulated and moved with drive. I made her BIS for her breed type and overall balance. 2 Griffiths's Alopex Little Summer: Nicely constructed sable who moved well. She is feminine. Although she has a correct head she is a bit harder in expression than the first.
Marion Ten Cate Netherlands