East Anglian Collie Association August 2009

YD/B (3,1) 1 Campbell's Glecorrie Dusky Diva. Nice sized tri bitch, refined smooth wedge head with a dark well placed eye, good stop and level planes, nicely carried and tipped ear, nice body shape with a lovely gleaming black coat, nice tight oval feet, moved well. BOS. 2 Francis's Singing Softly. Upstanding masculine S/W. Dog. Nice overall shape, well off for bone, balanced head with good ears, this was the first time in the ring for the owner and dog and it showed, as he was a little unsure, handler just needs to improve on her technique to settle him. Moved OK. OD/B (4,2) 1 Lister's Ch Eridor I'm Blue At Newarp. Upstanding, all male blue, coat is clear and well broken and of the correct coarse texture, clean taper head with slight stop, good ear carriage which he used well, very strong, well muscled neck, straight front, lovely deep chest with level topline, good rear angulation and tail set, showed well, moving with an easy driving action. BOB. 2 Forbe's Ch & Int/Can Ch Pelghart paint It Black At Willowhurst. Tri male of similar size and type to one, so most of my previous remarks apply. Jet black glossy coat with white collar, and rich tan markings, good texture and in lovely condition, smooth head with pleasing masculine expression, again correct size and held ears, stood four square and showed well, very close decision between these two, just felt on the day, the moor rear driving action gave 1 the edge. RBOB.

Pauline Hornby