London Collie October 2005

Judge : John Geddes

Veteran Dog or Bitch
Willis’ Moorland Mystery Man of Jarlana


Puppy Dog or Bitch
Hill’s Devern fate A Compli. BP/RBB


Junior Dog or Bitch
Forbes’ Pelghat Pied Piper

2nd Thorne’s Pelghart Pipers Gold


Limit Dog
Griffith’s Alopex Highland Fling  BOB & BIS
Davis’ Sharidon Anything Goes at Keenacre

Open Dog
Norman’s and Ratcliffe’s Ch Foxearth Flashpast. RBD

Post Graduate Bitch
Thorne’s Shulune Lady Of Rhoan

Limit Bitch
Robinson’s Hilltarn Valentine
Seldon’s Chicnoir Golden Charm at Merland


Open Bitch
Hill’s Ch Devern Blue Silhouette BB & BOS

V (2). 1 Willis’ Moorland Mystery Man of Jarlana. Good type, showed well, nice eye, good ear carriage, sound mover. P (1). 1 Hill’s Devern fate A Compli. V feminine, beautifully presented with excellent head, nicely shaped dark eye and well set ears, giving desired expression, v true front and rear. BP and RBB. J (3). 1 Forbes’ Pelghat Pied Piper. Good black tricolour, pleasing head and eye, good reach of neck, sound behind, weak in front; 2 Thorne’s Pelghart Pipers Gold. Nicely presented and moved out well, preferred head and eye of the winner. LD (2). 1 Griffith’s Alopex Highland Fling. Good sized boy, excellent head with good flat skull, good ear carriage, eye a shade light but not enough to spoil the expression, good reach of neck, moved out well, BOB and v pleased to see him go BIS; 2 Davis’ Sharidon Anything Goes at Keenacre. Similar comments apply as winner, smaller eye, spoiled the expression. OD (4). 1 Norman’s and Ratcliffe’s Ch Foxearth Flashpast. RBD. Attractive masculine d with excellent head and expression, good angulation, tight harsh jacket, moved out well but in this challenge tried too hard which spoiled front movement. PGB (2). 1 Thorne’s Shulune Lady Of Rhoan. Good angles with pleasing eye and expression, good ears, receding in skull. LB (4). 1 Robinson’s Hiltarn Valentine. Beautifully constructed and v positive on the move, excellent head and ears, could be sweeter in the eye; 2 Seldon’s Chicnoir Golden Charm at Merland. Petite lady and a little unsettled, making handling difficult. Good expression, moved well. OB (3). 1 Hill’s Ch Devern Blue Silhouette. Nicely broken merle, good head and eye, pleasing expression, good on the move with good angulation. BB and BOS.

John Geddes