East Anglian Collie Club February 2004
Judge : Joyce Collis
Puppy Dog or Bitch
Robinsons' Hilltarn Valentine BP & BPIS
Post Graduate Dog or Bitch
Griffiths' Alopex Plum Lush
2nd: Werys'
Dancerwood Shady Lady with Luvvies
Open Dog
1st: Griffiths Alopex going Equipped.
2nd: Breeze Ochilview Great Scot
Open Bitch
Lister's Ch Newarp Jesena Moonlight Sonata BOB & RBIS
2nd: Robinson's Southcombe Sweet As A Nut.
3rd: Hills' Devern Blue Silhouette
It was a great privilege for me to
judge the Smooth Collies at this club show. I was pleased with the quality and
in the manner in which my decisions were accepted. Although she is getting on in
years Ch.Newarp Jesena Moonlight Sonata did enough to be awarded ResBIS on the
approval of my co-judge. I was pleased with the decision of the referee to have
Hilltarn Valentine as BPIS. It was a pity that the Junior Handling classes were
not well supported. 1. & BPDIS. Dk C Robinson's Hilltarn Valentine, 111/2 months
Tri b. Should not grow any more. Has a promising head,well set and carried ears.
Excellent reach of neck. Straight forelegs and tight feet. Good reach and drive
on the move. PG (2) 1. Griffiths Alopex Plum Lush 2 1/2 year old Tri,Good head
eye colour and is well pigmented. At first was a little unsure. Has a good front
and feet. Well angulated rear. Well muscled and moved well. Sound. 2. Wery's
Dancerwood Shady LadyWith Luvies. 3 1/2 year old merle similar in head pattern,
alert expression correct eye shape and colour. Good reach of neck. moved well.
Would prefer a stronger front action. OD (3) 1. Griffiths Alopex going Equipped.
21/2 year old merle, masculine head correct ear carriage which he uses well.
Excellent reach of neck. Straight forelegs, well muscled with a firm top line.
Good rear angulation, correct tail carriage. Move with reach and drive. 2.
Breeze Ochil view Great Scot. 3 years old,Very good head and ear set and
carriage. Straight forelegs and good feet. Good reach of neck firm back correct
tail carriage. Movement let him down. OB (8) 1. & ResBIS Lister's Ch. Newarp
Jesena Moonlight Sonata. 81/2 year Blue merle,well marked with a correct shaped
head and eye colour. Well set and carried ears. Good reach of neck,straight
forelegs. Excellent mover having good reach and drive from the rear. Starting to
show her age as top line not as firm as it should. 2. Robinson's Southcombe
Sweet As A Nut. 21/2 year old sable. very feminine head, correct ear set and
carriage,good pigmentation. Good reach of neck. Well angulated. Moved well.
Excellent temperament. 3. Hills Devern Blue Silhouette.
Joyce Collis