Lancashire & Cheshire Collie Club January 2003

Judge : Geoff Hyde

Junior Dog
Whalley’s Foxearth Golden Fleece

Limit Dog
Tucks’ Dark Motif Of Misstoff

Open Dog
Hayward’s Foxearth Sandy Footprints BOB & BIS
Howe’s Ch. Rowvale Rainbow Warrior lovely RBD

Puppy Bitch
Gibson’s Pelghart Private Dancer BP

Post Graduate Bitch
Moore’s Manordeifi Lady Penelope

Limit Bitch
Hayward’s Foxearth Castles In The Sky  BB & RBOB

2nd : Gibson’s Knipes Shades Of Gold For Pelghart.

3rd Moore’s Southcombe Styled In Gold For Manordeifi


Open Bitch
Moore’s Ch Manordeifi Silver Serenade

2nd : Gibson’s Pelghart Painted Lady


Veteran Bitch
Gibson’s Ch Newtons Guinivere From Foxearth RBB

JD (1) 1 Whalley’s Foxearth Golden Fleece. Sable and white enjoying his day out a little too much. Good length of head well placed dark eye his ears are a little erratic, very good depth of chest quite a nice balanced d, well boned and a tail of good length. In good condition.

LD (1) 1 Tucks’ Dark Motif Of Mistoff. 3 yr old tri colour, good length of head, nicely placed dark eyes, neat ears showing well, arched neck and a good length of back. Moved well, carried his tail high, in good tight jacket and condition.

OD 1 Hayward’s Foxearth Sandy Footprints. Sable and white who instantly appeals for his elegant shape and substance, could carry a little more weight to advantage. Balanced head with level planes, well filled muzzle and skull, well placed eyes and ears, neck of good length, well laid shoulders, deep chest, good length of back, well turned stifles and a long tail carried correctly in good jacket. There wasn’t enough room for him to get into his stride properly today but moved well enough. Awarded him BOB and eventually he went BIS. A lovely dog; 2 Howes’ Ch Rowvale Rainbow Warrior. Well made d of substance, good coloured blue merle, well balanced throughout. Moved out well front and rear. Head is clean and balanced, well arched neck, good depth of chest length of back, well carried tail in good condition. Res BD.

PB 1 Gibson’s Pelghart Private Dancer. Tricolour of good shape possessing a clean head, dark eye and well placed ears showing well, good neck and length of back, in good tight jacket, well turned stifles and long tail. Movement ok. BP. PGB 1 Moore’s Manordeifi Lady Penelope. Tricolour in good condition, her head not quite what I was looking for but having said that she has nice dark eyes and well placed ears, good neck and length of back, hind movement was gd, moved a little wide in front, tail of good length. L 1 Hayward’s Foxearth Castles In The Sky. Super sable and white with the prettiest of heads, level planes, good under jaw, nicely filled muzzle with the flattest of skulls, well shaped dark eyes, well placed ears going into a well arched neck, good depth of chest, well laid shoulders back of good length, well turned stifles, moved well front and rear, tail carried correctly. A serious contender for BOB but just dipped in top line when she was stood. A lovely b I could easily take home. BB, Res BOB; 2 Gibson’s Knipes Shades Of Gold For Pelghart. Sable and white of a finer type, pretty head and eye, ears used to advantage, presents a pretty picture. Movement ok; 3 .

OB 1 Moore’s Ch Manordeifi Silver Serenade. 5 yr old blue merle with v pleasing construction, head of good type, refined level planes with good stop, dark eyes, neat ears, good neck, super deep chest and forechest, well laid shoulders, good length of back, well angulated throughout. Moved well. A good silver blue, would prefer a tighter shorter jacket, one not to be overlooked; 2 Gibson’s Pelghart Painted Lady. Tricolour. Gd make and shape, pretty head of good length and balance, well arched neck, preferred the depth of chest of the winner, well laid shoulders, nice length of back and well turned stifles. Moved ok. VB 1 Gibson’s Ch Newtons Guinivere From Foxearth. 10 yr old tri colour who must have been lovely in her day, she still possesses a well balanced head, good stop and level planes, well placed ears which she can use good make and shape in good coat and condition. Moved well. Res BB.

Geoff Hyde