British Collie December 2003

Judge Peter Radley

Best of Breed Manordeifi Silver Dawn

Best Dog Southcombe Sunset Shadow
Reserve Best Dog Norfield Tin Star

Best Bitch Manordeifi Silver Dawn

Reserve Best Bitch Chicnoir Elusive Dream at Shulune

Best Puppy Manordeifi Smart Guy at Southcombe


1st: Ch Rowvale Rainbow Warrior
2nd: Chicnoir Midnight Blue


Puppy Dog
1st: Manordeifi Smart Guy at Southcombe 
2nd:Chicnoir Lord of the Ring with Shulune

3rd: Snuggletooth Fillys Fellow at Chicnoir


Junior Dog
1st: Snuggletooth Fillys Fellow at Chicnoir
2nd: Manordeifi Solar Eclipse.


Post Graduate Dog
1st: Southcombe Sunset Shadow 
2nd: Norfield Tin Star

3rd Chicnoir Snow Wolfe


Open Dog
1st: Foxearth Flash Past
2nd: Ch Southcombe Sterling
3rd: Chicnoir Quartermaster


Puppy Bitch
1st: Manordeifi Scheherazade
2nd: Manordeifi Party Doll


Junior Bitch
1st: Manordeifi Silver Dawn 
2nd: Manordeifi Scheherazade

3rd: Manordeifi Party Doll


Post Graduate Bitch
1st: Manordeifi Silver Dawn
2nd: Chicnoir Elusive Dream at Shulune

3rd  Snuggletooth Fag Ash Lil at Chicnoir


Open Bitch
1st: Snuggletooth Fag Ash Lil at Chicnoir
2nd: Chicnoir Gold Rose at Norfield

SMOOTH COLLIE I greatly enjoyed judging the Smooths at this very friendly and well run show, and was gratified by the number of Smooths on parade. The overall standard was high and my BOB, the young merle bitch Manordeifi Silver Dawn was quite outstanding. Vet 1 Ch Rowvale Rainbow Warrior. Well made 7 year merle dog of very good type. Sound and nicely shown, he presents a balanced profile picture. He is a little too strong in head but from the collar back is first class, has a super neck and forehand and powerful, well angulated quarters. H e moved with good reach and drive keeping his topline. Best Veteran. 2 Chicnoir Midnight Blue. Attractive 10 year merle dog of nice type, carrying his years well but just beginning to show his age in skull. Fair angulation front and rear and topline held on the move. Moved ok without matching the reach and drive of the winner. PD 1 Manordeifi Smart Guy at Southcombe. Well grown 8 month sable dog, showing a lot of promise. Nice body shape with strong bone and good overall conformation. Pleasing masculine head, free ground covering movement with good reach and drive. Best Puppy. 2 Chicnoir Lord of the Ring with Shulune. 7 month sable dog presenting a pleasing profile picture and well angulated front and rear. The makings of a fair, masculine head, pasterns still need to tighten. Moved soundly but still rather loose all through. 3 Snuggletooth Fillys Fellow at Chicnoir. JD 1 Snuggletooth Fillys Fellow at Chicnoir. 10 month tri dog. Not a big one but well proportioned in body and with good overall conformation. Rather round in eye and a bit narrow in muzzle, which detracts from the true Collie expression. Moved well keeping his topline. 2 Manordeifi Solar Eclipse. 15 month tri of fair type but not able to match the winner in conformation, being rather upright in shoulder and steep in croup, both of which reflect in his movement. PGD 1 Southcombe Sunset Shadow. Impressive 22 month sable dog of good type and very good overall conformation. Pleasing masculine head, though just a bit on the strong side. Nice neck and forehand, firm level topline held on the move, excellent ground covering movement. Best Dog and Res BOB. 2 Norfield Tin Star. Strongly built 4 and a half year old of nice type, presenting a balanced profile picture. Slightly round in eye, but that apart a very nice dog. Moved with very good reach and drive. Res Best Dog. 3 Chicnoir Snow White. OD 1 Foxearth Flash Past. Attractive, well presented 22 month old sable dog of nice type and balanced in outline. Pleasing masculine head. Good profile movement with nice reach and drive, but just toes in a little on approach. 2 Ch Southcombe Sterling. Mature, powerfully built 5 year merle dog of good type and with excellent bone and substance. His head is rather too strong which detracts from the true Collie expression, but from the collar back he is first class. Powerful, ground covering movement completes the picture. 3 Chicnoir Quartermaster. PB 1 Manordeifi Scheherazade. Promising 8 month old sable, litter sister to the Best Puppy and similar in outline and conformation. The makings of an an attractive feminine head. Moved soundly - just needs time. 2 Manordeife Party Doll. 9 month tri bitch of nice type and like the winner with good overall conformation. Not at present as pleasing in head as the winner, but sound and balanced and moving well for her age. JB 1 Manordeifi Silver Dawn. Most beautiful 15 month merle bitch, scoring very heavily for type, balance and overall confomation. Most pleasing feminine head, lovely neck and shoulders, firm level topline held on the move. Easy, ground covering movement. Best Bitch and Best of Breed. 2 Manordeife Scheherazade. 3 Manordeife Party Doll. PGB 1 Manordeifi Silver Dawn. 2 Chicnoir Elusive Dream at Shulune. Typy, well balanced 2 year old sable with good overall conformation and nicely angulated front and rear. Acceptable head, though planes are not quite correct. Nice body shape, moved well with good reach and drive. Res Best Bitch. 3 Snuggletooth Fag Ash Lil at Chicnoir. OB 1 Snuggletooth Fag Ash Lil at Chicnoir. 2 and a half year old merle with a nice outline. Her head is not her fortune but from the collar back she is so well made, though being very critical I would like to see tighter feet. Powerful, well made quarters provide strong, driving movement and she holds her topline well on the move. 2 Chicnoir Gold Rose at Norfield. 2 year old sable bitch of fair type and conformation, but rather unsettled, particularly on the move.

Peter Radley