British Collie Club June 2002
Judge : John Blake
Best of Breed MacGregor’s Ch. Moonwalker from Misstoff
Best Dog MacGregor’s Ch. Moonwalker from Misstoff
Reserve Best Dog Howe’s Ch. Rowvale Rainbow Warrior
Best Bitch Wallis’s Chicnoir Gold Rose
Reserve Best Bitch
Best Puppy Wallis’s Chicnoir Gold Rose
Post Graduate Dog
1st: Wallis, Norfield Knight Star
Evans’s, Rowvale
Storm Arising at Southcombe
Open Dog
1st: MacGregor’s Ch. Moonwalker from Misstoff
Howe’s Ch. Rowvale Rainbow Warrior
Puppy Bitch
Evans’ Southcombe Scarlet Lady
Wallis’s Chicnoir Uptown Girl
Junior Bitch
Wallis’s Chicnoir Gold Rose
2nd: Moores’ Manordeifi
Star Attraction
Post Graduate Bitch
1st: Moores’
Manordeifi Lady Penelope
A good entry on paper was spoilt by the usual high percentage of absentees. With nothing to judge until Post Graduate Dog.
PGD (3) 1 Wallis’s Norfield Knight Star. Nicely balanced head with correct eye and ears. Good body shape with correct shoulder, moved nicely, but too proud of his tail, which was carried far too high over his back on the move. 2 Evans’s Rowvale Storm Arising at Southcombe. Quite close up to the winner but not so good in shoulder and movement. Rather too fine in foreface.
OD (5) 1 MacGregor’s Ch. Moonwalker from Misstoff. First time I have seen this dog and I was pleasantly surprised. Excellent head that is well balanced with flat skull and nice clean lines. Shows himself to advantage by lifting his head on top of his long neck, giving him a most pleasing outline. He excels on the move, which was outstanding on the day. My one if is I would like a better eye shape as it is rather round and tends to spoil his expression. But having won this class he was an easy B.O.B. and went on to B.I.S. with full agreement from my co-judge. 2 Howe’s Ch. Rowvale Rainbow Warrior lovely b/m who gave the winner a real fight. Unfortunately he tends to stick his neck forward when showing which spoils his outline. Much better eye and expression than the winner, but his back skull just tends to recede slightly and not quite so firm on the move. Res B.O.B.
PB (3) 1 Evans’ Southcombe Scarlet Lady, nice shape and moved quite well. Her head is nice and clean but I felt that it could be better balanced as the foreface is just a little too long. Correct ear carriage but her eye is a little round and faces too far forward, giving her a rather hard expression. 2 Wallis’s Chicnoir Uptown Girl. Her first time out and so was a little nervous. Nice head but needs to grow on quite a lot yet. Unsteady on the move.
JB (3) 1 Wallis’s Chicnoir Gold Rose. Just 7 months s/w who shows great promise. Just the quality I was looking for. Lovely head that is beautifully clean with nice round foreface and flat skull, with correct eye shape, good ear carriage and lovely expression. At the moment she is too fat and her front action was awful, but with her overall quality she was an easy B.P and B.O.S. Went on to be best minor puppy in show. Her future is bright indeed. 2 Moores’ Manordeifi Star Attraction. Tri who has a well balanced head, but is far too fine in foreface. She is at the rather gangly stage which showed in her lack of good body shape. Moved better than first but nothing like the overall quality.
PGB (3) 1 Moores’
Manordeifi Lady Penelope tri with nice head and correct body shape. Good
shoulder and moved well when she was not pacing. Her eye is a little round and
her ears are too heavy. She lost to the puppy because she tended to splay her
feet when coming towards me. Silly, but for me it spoilt the overall picture.
John Blake